Monday, April 12, 2010

Oil On The Water

The following is from the blog of the Washington Post's Tom Weigel:

"Tom Coburn's plea for civility
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)'s much-discussed friendship with Barack Obama is, all of a sudden, a little harder to attribute to the closeness of their desks in the Senate. Matt Laslo reports on a town hall meeting Coburn held in Oklahoma:

While discussing his policy disagreements with Pelosi Coburn said “she’s a nice lady,” which brought hisses and hoots from the crowd. But Coburn flatly rejected the crowd's animosity towards the liberal Speaker.

[Come on now. She is nice – how many of you all have met her? She’s a nice person,] Coburn said as he went on to lecture the crowd about civility. Coburn also cautioned his crowd not to [catch yourself being biased by Fox News that somebody is no good.]

He's not the first Republican to go there.

Way back in August, at the start of the "town hells" Rep. Bob Inglis (R-S.C.) told an angry crowd to [turn that television off] when Glenn Beck's show came on."

Somehow everyone is going to have to work much harder to "depolarize" American politics. It would be a great shame if it would have to take another large national tragedy to get us all to work together for most everyone's benefit.

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